"A fencing blog"

disclaimer: this game is potentially dangerous and should be played with caution!!
The rules of this game are simple. Two players will shadow fence against each other. Since there is no blades in shadow fencing, parrying and beating are not viable strategies. After every heat the loser will have to either take a shot of alchol. In the case of a simulataneous action then no one takes a shot. If the presider makes a wrong call then he takes a shot. The game will continue until one of the players reaches 5 points.
There are various House rules that can be applied, often times to make the game more managable. The most common of which is to make the punishment just a single shot at the end of the bout for the loser and to remove the penalties for the presider.
For more information about how bouts works, visit the page The Basics .

Its not uncommon for sports teams to have a handful of anime fans within their ranks, in my personal experience its more common that you'd realize. For fencing however, there is a staggering amounts of self described "weebs" with the Ateneo Fencing team. The reasons for this is somewhat obvious once its stated outloud. But now I would like to highlight how this manifestes based on my experiences.
Part 1: Fencing is an anime sport
Simply put, fencing is a sport wherein people train to fight each other with swords. In anime the character of the "swordsman" is very common. From the samurai charcters in media properties such as Bleach, Inuyasha and Ruroni kenshi to more western fantasy inspired swordsmen such as kirito, Saber, etc. Its obvious these people would default to fencing as their sport. It can be an excuse to learn to swing a sword and still be considered an athelete. Moreover, in many regards some of the conventions of fencing sound straight out of anime. The tendency to yell utter nonesense after every hit is something fencers tend to do. Moreover, certain techniques have names that wouldn't feel out of place within anime, an example of which is an attack called "The Skyhook".
Part 2: Everyones a weeb and no one is hiding it
I swear nearly everytime I run with the sabre team in the track oval, without fail someone, often alot of someones will inevitably do the last lap in a Naruto run. Since the sabre team is composed of both highschool students and college students, one would assume it was just the highschool team but its not. This blatant expression of "weeb-ness" extends also to the most senior players of the College team.
Ammendment to the above editorial: Breaking news
Recent reports have shown that anime theme songs such as those seen in both Naruto and One Punch man have been used to alleviate the tension during core excercises. Moreover, our sources have confirmed that these piece of music are often sung along to by many and commonly accepted. In addition reports and private correspondence indicates that a certain percentage of coaches have identified Dragon ball z and Naruto Shippuden as their favorite shows. The references to "going super-saiyan" as well as the supposed possesion of a "sharengan eye" have been identified in normal conversation.
While the causes of such activity has not been fully pinpointed, the threat of contamination has been contained. While the long term effects of exposure have not been throughly studied, early test have linked exposure with an increased risk of contracting this affliction.
For public safety and health please take note of the following symptoms or specific phrases: "Who is best girl", "..taking Japanese FLC", any reference to seasonal anime"

Fencing is often considered an expensive or inaccessible sport. These assumptions, for the most part, are correct. However, there are some aspects of the sport where cost can be cut using homemade equipment casing such as the sabre case. The sabre case is typically sold on its own for nearly php 500.00 and due to the somewhat optional nature of this piece equipment it makes for the best DIY project
List of Tools and Materials:

Step 1: Cut the PVC pipe

Most pvc pipe that can be bought in hardware stores are either longer or shorted than needed, so make sure to buy above the needed lenght not bellow
Measure the need lenght, typically 88cm to fit the blade. Use the handsaw to cut an appropriately size pvc pipe.
Step 2 Cut two holes

mark the remaining pvc pipe with two dots at two parrallel points to indicate where you should drill. Afterwards drill two holes on each marking. Ensure the hole is big enough to fit a ribon or string
Step 3: Thread the ribbon

Slide the sstring through the two holes and tie to the pvc. This string will hold you sabre in place.
Step 4: Testing

fit your blade into the casing to get a better understanding of how well it fits. If it fits poorly, please make the nessesary changes as needed