A fencing blog


Improving on your footworks is not only about building leg strength. Pure athleticism is only one component to good play, another is tactics. Tactics refers to the specific set of actions you can perform during a bout. The following are excercise given to me in training.

Footworks #1


Repeat excercises 1-3 10 times and repeat 4-6 only 5 times.

after every repetition recover back to en-garde position

  1. Skip -> advance -> Touche
  2. Skip -> Double advance -> Touche
  3. Skip -> Triple advance -> Touche
  4. Skip -> advance -> lunge
  5. Skip -> double advance -> lunge
  6. Skip -> triple advance -> lunge

For further guidance visit the gallery page for reference images of these actions

Footworks #2


Repeat excercises 1-3 10 times and repeat 4-6 only 5 times.

after every repetition recover back to en-garde position

  1. Skip + feint -> back -> advance -> Touche
  2. Skip + feint -> double back -> Double advance -> Touche
  3. Skip + feint -> double back -> Triple advance -> Touche
  4. Skip + feint -> back -> advance -> lunge
  5. Skip + feint -> double back -> double advance -> lunge
  6. Skip + feint -> double back -> triple advance -> lunge

For further guidance visit the gallery page for reference images of these actions

Footworks #3

Feint- back

Repeat excercises 1-3 10 times and repeat 4-6 only 5 times.

after every repetition recover back to en-garde position

  1. half-step-> feint-> jump back->lunge
  2. half-step-> feint-> jump back->advance lunge
  3. half-step-> feint-> jump back->double advance lunge
  4. half-step-> feint-> jump back->triple advance lunge

For further guidance visit the gallery page for reference images of these actions

Footworks #1


Repeat excercises #1-3 15 times.

after every repetition recover back to en-garde position

  1. advance -> Touche
  2. Double advance -> Touche
  3. Triple advance -> Touche

For further guidance visit the gallery page for reference images of these actions

Footworks #2


Repeat excercises 1-3 10 times and repeat 4-6 only 5 times.

after every repetition recover back to en-garde position

  1. lunge
  2. advance -> lunge
  3. Double advance -> lunge
  4. Triple advance -> lunge

For further guidance visit the gallery page for reference images of these actions

Footworks #3


Repeat excercises 1-3 10 times and repeat 4-6 only 5 times.

after every repetition recover back to en-garde position

  1. forward->back-> advance touche
  2. forward->back->forward->advance touche
  3. double forward->double forward->advance touche
  4. triple forward->double back-> double forward ->advance touche

For further guidance visit the gallery page for reference images of these actions

Warm up excercise

Do any of these before training, its very simple and basic. Feel free to choose two of these excercises but running is mandatory.

  1. run 4 or 1.6km of rounds in a track oval (if there is none available find a suitable substitute
  2. Sprints: 10-15 seconds of sprinting with 50-60 seconds of cooldown
  3. Sustained Running: Maintain pace for the entire duration of the run
  4. Jumprope:300-400 singles and 50-100 doubles
  5. Squat: Do three sets of 40-50 squats each. First with right foot forward, then left foot and center

Core workout

Each of these activities can be done in either intervals of 30 seconds or 45 seconds. Its up to your discretion

  1. Crutches
  2. Reverse Crutches
  3. Right side crutch
  4. Left Side Crutch
  5. Leg Lifts
  6. Russian Twists
  7. Bicycle kicks
  8. Scissor legs
  9. Crucifix
  10. Supermans

Planks workout

Each of these activities can be done in either intervals of 30 seconds or 45 seconds. Its up to your discretion

  1. Regular Planks
  2. Right Side-Planks
  3. Left Side Planks